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Hear from the Team!


Meet Liv!

Liv works with the Island Institute as the Island Fellow on Islesboro, renovating a lighthouse museum and supporting the Sea Level Rise Committee. This means she takes the ferry with all her hockey gear every Sunday, but she loves the journey!

"When I first moved to Maine I had a few friends who played and they INSISTED that I join. I am forever grateful to them. The hockey team is one of the most special communities I have ever been a part of. It is something about the combination of the sport, the people, and the overarching community support of the program that creates something truly magical. And I don’t mind the annual team trip to Portland to watch the Mariners play and go dancing at Bubba’s!"


Sundays with you are my church — can’t wait to see you on the ice, and on the ponds !!! 


After learning how to put on all the gear in the right order, I really fell in love with being able to go really fast without worrying about hitting a crack - or worrying too much about getting injured from falling.


I didn't come in with any experience in the sport or on skates so it's been a great way to learn and a major sanity saver in the winters. And I've been having so much fun!


Playing hockey is the highlight of my week. It's great to play with likeminded women! 


I started playing in college on my schools club team and have loved it ever since. I haven’t been able to play since I graduated so finding this league has been an awesome way to start again. 


There's an incredible sense of community, support and goodwill in the women's league. The more experienced players help beginners, allowing everyone to develop at their own pace and celebrate personal achievements. I'm so happy to be part of this little Sunday community!
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